Air Cooler Cleaner

Air Cooler Cleaner (ACC) is a liquid blend of highly active cleaning compounds and corrosion inhibititors. ACC has been developed for safe, fast and economical in-service cleaning of the air handling systems of turbo charged diesel engines. By using ACC, airborne contaminants that have been carried into and deposited on scavenger air trunks, air coolers and inlet valves are removed. Thus, all surfaces are kept clean and free of deposits.

  • By using ACC and the VECOM ACC Injection System, fouling of air coolers is reduced so heat transfer and engine efficiency are improved. Pressure drops across the air cooler and air temperature after the air cooler are kept to a minimum.
  • Fire hazards from the build-up of grease and residue are minimized.
  • Down time and expense of periodic dismantling of the air handling system for cleaning is eliminated.
  • Scavenging efficiency is improved by the reduction of deposit build-up around scavenging ports.
  • Water displacing surfactants incorporated in ACC form amono-molecular film throughout the air handling system that protects the metal and reduces the adherence of airborne contaminants.

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