Economizer Treat

Today's main propulsion units have low exhaust gas outlet temperatures. This is due to increased engine and turbo blower efficiency. Lower gas temperatures are also the result of running at reduced power. The low temperature and reduced gas volume gives increased soot deposition and subsequent corrosion. The increased deposition greatly reduces the thermal efficiency of the economizer. As ¨dew point¨ is often reached in the unit, causing the generation of sulfuric acid, the corrosion process is greatly accelerated.

Economizer Treat is a specially developed liquid, which is easily dosed into the system, using a special Vecom Marine injection unit.

The special air assisted nozzles create a fine mist, so the liquid vaporizes on contact with the hot gas. The vapor mixes intimately with the exhaust gases and the active material is dispersed throughout the system in microscopic particles. These tiny particles have an extremely large ¨active surface area¨ and being light, remain fully dispersed in the gas. This ensures that all parts of the economizer are covered efficiently.

In the past, powder products have been developed for this purpose. However, their large particle size and greater weight makes them difficult to inject efficiently, so they cannot reach all areas requiring treatment. This leads to product wastage and ineffective cleaning of the upper areas, where most of the soot is deposited.

Economizer Treat catalyses the post combustion process, resulting in modified soot particles that are dry and non adherent. The resulting deposit is more friable and can be more easily removed by the action of the soot blowers.

  • Effective above 200°C
  • An easily dosed liquid
  • Complete coverage of entire exhaust gas unit
  • Greatly improved heat transfer
  • Neutralizes sulfuric acid
  • Reduces corrosion and fire risk

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