Tankclean HCF Eco

General Maintenance

Tankclean HCF Eco is universally applied to clean shipdecks, floors, walls etc.

Immersion Bath

Tankclean HCF Eco is applied undiluted in immersion bathes to clean galvanised parts or objects made of aluminium or zinc.


Tankclean HCF Eco can be sprayed pure or diluted with water.


  • For hydro carbon free cleaning.
  • Universal degreaser.
  • Based on very effective solvents and low-foaming, non-ionic detergents.
  • Perfectly suited to clean zinc-silicate coated tanks.
  • To be used in those cases where alkaline cleaning is not possible.
  • Can be used safely on most construction metals, including zinc, tin, aluminium and galvanised materials.


IMO approved

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