
Hydrazide is a liquid compound containing Carbohydrazide for rapid removal of free oxygen in any type of boiler of any pressure as well as any type of non-drainable superheater. Hydrazide is the alternative for hazardous and potentially carcinogenic products and provides the advantages of an environmentally friendly and safe product.

The compound Carbohydrazide is a form of bounded Hydrazine that reacts with oxygen in the same way as normal Hydrazine would do. But Carbohydrazide has all the advantages of hydrazine and none of the disadvantages. According to the latest Marpol regulations (waste annex) Hydrazide is considered non-pollutant.

Hydrazide is used for rapid removal of oxygen in boiler feed water and condensate systems. Hydrazide further prevents corrosion caused by oxygen. Hydrazide may be used in all types of boilers, but is particularly suited for use in High pressure boilers. Hydrazide can be used as passivation in lay-up boilers.

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